Prizes and awards

Adamed’s Good Practices

18 April 2023

As many as six good practices of Adamed Pharma were recognised in this year’s edition of the Responsible Business Forum’s report “Responsible Business in Poland. Good Practices 2022”. This is the Forum’s most important periodic publication, released since 2002. The report is an overview of companies’ CSR, ESG and sustainability activities.

This year’s 21st edition of the report presents 1,705 activities launched by 272 companies. As in previous years, the report also includes an overview compiled by the Forum team, showing all major CSR events in Poland and listing important Polish and international CSR publications, studies and press articles. Adamed Pharma’s CSR, ESG and sustainability activities in 2022 were focused in several areas. The key ones included:

Aid to fighting Ukraine

Without a doubt, the activities focused on drug aid related to the war in Ukraine were unprecedented in nature and scale. Securing the supply of medicines to the war zones has been and remains a priority of aid efforts. To date, the company has donated to Ukraine medicines and medical aid worth nearly PLN 14.5 million. In addition, with the outbreak of the war, Adamed took care of its Ukrainian associates and their families. They were guaranteed assistance of a subsistence, material and psychological nature. At the same time, support is being given to those who were or still are in the areas affected by the armed conflict. Among other things, the Adamed Foundation prepared school starter kits for 2,100 Ukrainian children who started their education in Polish schools. Adamed Pharma has also supported with financial grants selected non-profit organisations that provide medical, psychological and subsistence support to war victims.

Health prevention and education

Another major 2022 award-winning project was the “Adamed for the Family” [“Adamed Dla Rodziny”] campaign, under which Adamed conducted more than 2,150 surveys and consultations in six Polish towns with populations between 50,000 and 100,000. Visitors to the “Adamed for the Family” mobile offices had the opportunity to undergo examinations in the following areas: cardiology, ophthalmology and urology, or take part in psychological workshops. On the other hand, interviews with a group of more than 1,000 respondents resulted in a comprehensive report “The Health of Poles” [“Stan zdrowia Polaków”]. The goal of the campaign was to promote disease prevention. Participants in the survey, representatives of local governments and local authorities submitted a total of several hundred symbolic, named signatures declaring care for their health and that of their loved ones.

The “Adamed Expert” knowledge portal for patients, doctors and pharmacists was also created in 2022. It offers a wealth of up-do-date medical knowledge and substantive content developed by the best specialists in their respective fields. The platform features expert articles, podcasts, videos and webinars. The goal of the site is to promote proven expertise based on reliable, credible health information. In just six months since its launch, has had more than 2 million visits from users seeking answers to their and their families’ most pressing health questions. Guidance, expertise and merit are very strong assets of the site, allowing it to become one of the most popular and read health sites.

Development of young scientists

ADAMED SmartUP is a programme that has been promoting exact and life sciences and supporting youth development continuously for 9 years. One of its major projects is the ADAMED SmartUP Academy, a free weekend workshop where young people can see what science looks like in a professional, academic laboratory. In 2022, more than 250 students in Poland and 80 in Spain took part in the meetings. Polish students took classes at two faculties of the Warsaw University of Technology, Jagiellonian University and the Catholic University of Lublin. The workshop in Spain was organised together with the Autonomous University of Barcelona. In the past year, the Adamed Foundation also prepared a map to plan an unusual tour of Poland. This is because the map features and describes 20 different science-related sites and facilities.  

Responsible Business Forum’s report “Responsible Business in Poland. Good Practices 2022”.