Information on results RFP 023555 – ACTIVE SUBSTANCE

In connection with the co-financing of the projects:

  1. Project “Development, clinical confirmation of bioequivalence and implementation of a new generation combination ternary inhalation drug in the systematic therapy of COPD”, contract number 2022/ABM/04/00011 – 00
  2. Project  “Development, clinical confirmation of bioequivalence and implementation of a new generation combination inhaled drug in the systematic therapy of COPD”, contract number 2022/ABM/04/00012 – 00
  3. Project “Development, clinical confirmation of bioequivalence and implementation of a new generation complex inhaled drug in the systematic therapy of respiratory diseases Asthma and COPD”, contract number 2022/ABM/04/00013 – 00

financed by the State budget from the Medical Research Agency as part of the Competition for the development of innovative solutions in the area of ​​new pharmaceutical forms of medicinal products authorized for marketing, generic drugs and biosimilars ABM/2022/4, pursuant to § 8 sec. 2 point 2) of the co-financing agreement, Adamed Pharma S.A. informs that the contract will be awarded to the following companies that have presented the most advantageous offers:

  • INKE