In connection with obtaining from the National Centre for Research and Development a grant for the project "Clinical development of an innovative anti-cancer drug using the mechanism of  reactivation of p53 protein" (project no. MAZOWSZE/0012/19) under R&D programme "Ścieżka dla Mazowsza", acting on the basis of Article 10 of the financial project support contract Adamed Pharma S.A. invites to submit tenders for the below-defined service

Subject of the Tender:

  1. Successive supplies of reagents during the project, i.e. by 31.10.2023 under the conditions describedin this inquiry.
  2. Specified parameters of the required elements are listed in the Appendix 2 attached to this tender.
  3. Place of delivery: Adamed Pharma SA, Pieńków, Mariana Adamkiewicza 6A, 05-152 Czosnów.
  4. Products offered in the tender must be brand new, not overdue and original products of manufacturer.
  5. In the event that the specification was used the name of a specific product (brand) Purchaser with respect to these items allows tenders containing product (brand) equivalent. By product (brand) "equivalent" should be understood product properties not worse than indicated in the inquiry. Supplier in order to confirm the quality of products (brands) equivalent, should attached to the tender relevant documents (quality specification, a certificate of quality, certificate of analysis or other equivalent documents), of which beyond any doubt indicate that offered subject of the order is the same or better quality parameters. Any risk associated with proving the "equivalence" rests with the Supplier. Supplier shall be obliged to demonstrate that offered by its products meet the requirements set by the Purchaser.

Conditions for participation in the proceedings:

  1. Orders cannot be awarded to entities affiliated personally of financially with the Contracting Authority. Through financial or personal connection we understand the interactions between the Contracting Authority or persons authorized to enter into commitments on behalf of the Contracting Authority or persons performing on behalf of the Purchaser activities associated with the preparation and the procedure for selecting Suppliers and Supplier, in particular by:
    1. participation in the company as a partner or partnership,
    2. owning at least 10% of the shares,
    3. the functions of a member of the supervisory or management, proxy,
    4. remaining married in consanguinity or affinity in a straight line, second-degree consanguinity or affinity of the second degree in the collateral line or by adoption or guardianship.
      ​In order to fulfill this condition a tenderer is obliged to send with the offer signed statements about the lack of connections (Appendix 1 to this RFP).

Additional information in the following sections: Information concerning participation in the proceedings.

Offer preparation:

  1. Deadline for submitting Offer is 21.04.2022 and visible in the system. The deadline for Answers submission may change, all Suppliers will be informed by e-mail from the Procurement System.
    Deadline for submitting questions to the inquiry:  answers will be provided to end of the procedure.
    Late submission of questions from the point of view of the closing date of the procedure may result in a lack of time to provide the required answer.
    In order to ensure equal access to information to all Tenderers participating in the proceedings, questions and answers (with hiding the author's questions) will be sent to all Tenderers .
  2. Any Supplier may submit only one offer.
  3. Partial bids are allowed.
  4. The offer should be prepared on the excel spreadsheet which constitutes Appendix_2_RFP_21433_Proposal_CompanyName.xlsx to this offer. If Appendix 2 is not filled out, the offer will not be considered.
  5. Offer along with the required attachments, must be submitted to the Adamed Procurement System at or by e-mail:ewelina.goluchowska(at)
    You must complete and submit an electronic form in order to submit the Offer. Enclosed Attachments should be uploaded into the system.
    In addition, the Bidder may also prepare an offer in his own preferable format and uploaded into the system.
  6. Access to the Procurement System SAP Ariba Sourcing the Supplier obtains through the registration to verify the existence of the company. Basic information such as country, tax identification number, postal code, contact details, etc. should be provided.
  7. Supplier's Offer should be comprehensive in Polish or English, electronically.
  8. The offer should include at least the following information: supplier name and address, bid inquiry number, price (PLN/EUR), delivery date (time required for delivery in days), date of payment.
  9. If the prices in the offer are expressed in EURthey will be converted using the exchange rate of 4,4536 PLN/EUR, in accordance with the Notice of the President of the Public Procurement Office of 3 December 2021 on the current EU thresholds, their PLN equivalent, PLN equivalent of amounts expressed in EUR and the average PLN / EUR exchange rate constituting the basis for converting the value of public contracts or design contests.
  10. Tenders submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
  11. The Supplier before time-limit for receipt of tenders is entitled:
    1. to withdraw the offer by written notification by e-mail indicated for the submission of tenders,
    2. to change the offer – notification of the changes must be submitted by the same rules as the submitted offer, appropriately marked with the note "CHANGING THE OFFER".

Selection criteria and evaluation methods:

  1. The Contracting Authority is entitled to reject the tender submitted by the Supplier who does not meet the conditions for participation in the proceedings, or if the offer is incomplete or incompatible with this request.
  2. Selection criteria:
    1. Net price (PLN/EUR), the weight criterion - 65%.
    2. Delivery time (declared time needed for delivery in days) - 25% of the overall assessment. If you specify different terms or time intervals, the deadline will be considered the longest declared.
    3. Payment date - 10% of the overall assessment.
  3. The Contracting Authority shall evaluate offers based on the result of the accumulated number of points calculated on the basis of above criteria and scores:
    Criteria Weight criterion [%] Method of evaluation in accordance with the formula
    Price 65% net price of the lowest offer/net price of tested offer x 100 x 65% = number of points
    Delivery date 25% the shortest time / offer tested x 100 x 25 % = number of points
    Payment date 10% Offered Payment term / the longest Payment term x 100 x 10% = number of points


  4. The amounts of points for each criterion after summing up will be the final number of points awarded by each tender. As the most advantageous offer will be considered that which obtains the highest number of points. 

  5. The results of the mathematical calculations carried out in the evaluation of tenders are rounded to the second decimal place. In case of equal scores for at least two offers the Contracting Authority will make the final choice of the offer more favorable when it comes to the impact on the environment (including the number of laboratory animals planned to use). For this purpose, the Contracting Authority shall have the right to call the Suppliers, whose tenders have obtained the highest final points, to complete the offer by giving indicated by the Contracting Authority information about an impact of the offer on the environment. The deadline to complete the offer will be determined by the Contracting Authority, but it cannot be less than 3 working days from receipt of the request. 

The choice of Supplier and way of announcing:

  1. The Contracting Authority will select the most advantageous offer on the basis of the selection criteria defined in this request for proposal.
  2. The Contracting Authority will inform about the results of this request for proposal on website and will send the information by the Procurement System SAP Ariba Sourcing to each Supplier which has submitted its offer.

Additional information about participation in the tender:

  1. Tender is available via the Adamed Group Purchasing Platform at: and on website
  2. Username and password to log in to the Purchasing Platform will be sent to the Suppliers by the Operator by e-mail during registration.
  3. Technical requirements. In order to work seamlessly with purchasing platform The user should have at least the following technical capabilities:
    1. PC or Mac with a 1GHz processor or faster and a minimum of 512 MB RAM,
    2. permanent access to the Internet with a guaranteed bandwidth of not less than 1Mb / s,
    3. Internet browser in the latest version. IE 9.0+ or Mozilla Firefox or Chrome 24+ 26 + or Safari 5+,
  4. The tender procedure may be repeated only in case of inability to carry out by the Operator or the Employer. Technical problems on the side of Suppliers will have no impact on the course of the tenders.
  5. Prior to the tender procedure, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the operating instructions of the Purchase Platform attached to the tender.
  6. The start and finish dates and configuration of each stage of the tender will be presented in the Purchase Platform and may change, all interested Suppliers will be notified by the system by e-mail.
  7. Technical support during the procedure. During the procedure, the Suppliers can obtain technical support at: +48 539 737 818 or in the Platform in the Help tab.

General provisions

  1. The Purchaser requires other important parameters of the offer:
    1. The validity of the offer: minimum 12 months from the date of the offer placing
    2. The price guarantee: minimum 12 months from the date of the agreement
  2. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to terminate the procedure at each stage without giving any reason.
  3. In the case of cancellation of the contract the Suppliers are not entitled to claim for reimbursement of the costs of participation in the proceedings.
  4. Submission of the application for registration in the process or bid is implies acceptance without reservation all the conditions of the proceedings.
  5. Withdrawal by the Ordering Party from the conclusion of the contract after the notification the Contractor about the selecting the offer, cannot be the basis for claims of incurred costs of participation in the proceedings.
  6. In the process of evaluating Offers Purchaser may seek information from the contractors concerning the content of their documents.
  7. If the application does not contain all the required elements, the Employer may in justified cases call the Contractor to complete it.
  8. The ordering party reserves the right to record sound during technical meetings with suppliers. Submission of the offer will be treated as giving consent to the recording of the meeting.
  9. The Ordering Party reserves the right to negotiate the price with the Contractor, whose bid has the highest number of points, in case the price offered by the Contractor exceeds the amount intended by the Ordering Party to perform the order.
  10. Terms of contract change: The contracting authority envisages the possibility of introducing significant changes to the contract concluded as a result of the conducted contract award procedure in relation to the content of the offer, on the basis of which the contractor was selected, in the event of the necessity to change the indicated scope of works specified in the offer:
    1. Necessary or justified changes in the design documentation resulting from unforeseeable reasons,
    2. The necessity or the technical-economic appropriateness of the use of equivalent materials and equipment,
    3. The necessity to make equivalent solutions resulting from technological or utility conditions,
    4. Financial constraints on the part of the Ordering Party which cause the necessity to limit the scope of works included in the offer,
    5. Any changes and additions to the contract concluded with the selected Contractor will be made in the form of written annexes to the contract signed by both parties, under rigor of invalidity.

Cooperation and communication in the course of preparing responses

  1. Any questions should be submitted using Purchasing Platform according to attached instruction.
  2. The person authorized to contact the bidders (Monday-Friday between 08:00-16:30) is: Ewelina Gołuchowska [ewelina.goluchowska (at)].


Appendix No 1  (download)

Appendix No 2  (download)

Supplier's instructions. Creating an offer on the Portal SAP Ariba Network (download)